Tip Tuesday – Tied Up in Knots

Ever spend way too much time trying to untangle a knot from a necklace?  Try this trick.  Place a towel on a hard surface, then apply a few drops of baby oil (Yes, baby oil!) to lubricate the knot.  Use a safety pin or needle to gently pull apart the tangle.  Wipe the oil off of the necklace, and you’re ready to go!

Dressing for a Job Interview

With the job market so tough right now, it’s even more important to make a good first impression when going on that all-important interview.  Keep the following tips in mind when dressing for the big day:

  • Wear a suit.  A suit is still the gold standard for what should be worn to a job interview, period.
  • Make sure it fits!  Try on the complete outfit you’ll be wearing for the interview.  Check out your front and rear views in the mirror.  Sit down.  Make sure you can sit comfortably with nothing straining or popping open.  No cleavage please!
  • Wear comfortable and tasteful shoes.  You might have to walk a bit, depending on where you have to park for the interview.  Make sure your shoes are nick-free and the heels aren’t worn down.
  • Keep accessories tasteful and to a minimum.  This isn’t the time to break out your new hot pink leopard purse!
  • Make-up should be subtle.  Cover what needs to be covered, light blush on the checks to give yourself a healthy glow, and a neutral lipstick/gloss.
  • Hair should be clean and styled simply.  No flashy hair accessories.
  • Make sure your hands and nails are clean and well groomed.  Clear or light polish is best.

It’s said that a person makes an impression on another person in the first 7 seconds of meeting them.  Give yourself the edge and be your best in any situation!

Fashion and style and beauty, oh my!

I’m starting this blog to share my passion for style, fashion, and beauty.  I love studying all about these subjects, and I want to be able to share my tips and observations.    I will be commenting on new fashion and accessory trends for the coming seasons.  I will also be doing product reviews, as I love trying new products and getting the most bang for my buck.  I will try and do a little something different each day, so please check in often!