Tip Tuesday – 101 Uses

I don’t know about you, but my skin gets SO dry this time of year, especially that delicate skin under my eye.  One thing I found that really helps is at night, after I’ve washed my face and put on my moisturizer, is to apply a thin layer of vaseline over my eye cream.  This helps “seal” in the effects of the cream, and in the morning, my eyes are nice and moist.  Also, vaseline has tons of other uses, try googling it sometime!

Tip Tuesday – Be a Dirty Girl!

hair colorFor those of you that color your hair, here’s a tip for helping the color last longer.  Color your hair when it’s dirty!  Not super dirty or oily, but wait a day or two after you shampoo.  The natural oils from your scalp help the color adhere better to the hair shaft.